About Facilitators

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Legal Aid Service Providers Network Uganda (LASPNET) is a Non-Government Organisation established in April 2004 to provide a collaborative framework and strategic linkages for Legal Aid Service Providers (LASPS) in the country. On this Voice linking and learning project, LASPNET will partner with Strategic Link (SL) Consult Limited (a consultancy firm with technical expertise) to advance the use of innovative approaches to linking and learning that will not only amplify the voices of the marginalised groups but also build the capacity of the different grantees involved to support the delivery of high-quality, data-driven interventions by the grantees.

LASPNET thematic areas i.e. capacity building, lobbying, and advocacy, networking and partnership, research and documentation as well as information/ data management; are all vital and well-aligned to the work that the Voice linking and learning project wants to promote among grantees i.e. connecting the grantees, creating a linking and learning environment and documentation and knowledge management. With the experience and expertise gained over the years supporting various stakeholders in Uganda, LASPNET will leverage on the experience of Strategic Link Consult (SL) Consult Uganda to bring quality to the capacity building interventions through the use of more innovative approaches such as Visualisation in Participatory Programs (VIPP) which will enlist more participation of women, youth, persons with disabilities and marginalised groups such as LGBTs in influencing their learning agendas.

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Strategic Link consult

Strategic link Consult works to deliver innovative support services to partners aimed at developing capacity and building innovative solutions. Participation in L&L has helped Strategic Link to learn new thinking with regard to working with/ supporting rightsholders, gained new L&L facilitation skills and ways of engagement e.g. using experiential learning approaches; unlearnt and also learnt new language with regard to interactions with rightsholders, created new relationships as well as embarking on a journey of learning more innovative ways of work.

The approaches of work employed by Voice grantees have all enriched Strategic Link’s work, relationships and partnerships. Strategic Link will continue to enhance her facilitation competences through fostering innovations and learning in addressing complex challenges among grantees and rightsholders. L&L will expand Strategic Link’s horizons to partner and work with various organisations hence creating more learning opportunities and platforms.